
The internet face space of designer, illustrator, type designer, writer, and humorist Terry Biddle.

Posts from the Process Category

I’m on a podcast!

Nathan Hill, founding partner of Nh.D Studio asked me to come to his studio for his Design Intercourse podcast!

Check out the full interview here!

Be sure to subscribe and listen to the other interviews as well! More exclamation points!!!! More!!!!!!!!!! Bold this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Design Intercourse podcast is now on iTunes! If you’re a regular podcast listener, you can now subscribe!

You can download my interview here!



Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 9.53.06 PMSooooooooooo many things going on. 2014 has been (and continues to be) a very busy year.

So busy, I haven’t had the time to write a proper blog post. So, let me just tease a few things for some upcoming blog posts/releases.


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A long in progress typeface that attending this Year’s TypeCon finally inspired me to complete. It will definitely be released in 2015. Definitely. Like, I’ll eat a shoe if it isn’t. Well, maybe not a whole shoe. Let’s just say the tongue of a very soft leather boot. Uhhhh…better yet, the tip of a suede moccasin shoe string. Just the tip, though. Okay?! See—that’s how serious I am about this. I WILL EAT THE TIP OF A SUEDE MOCCASIN SHOE FOR YOU TO EXPRESS MY LEVEL OF COMMITMENT.

What else this year? New illustration/comic work! Pixel Punch! And also Comedy Adventures x2. <—More on that later! 😉

Since I am absolutely terrible at writing regular blog posts, you should check me out on Twitter where I’ve been serving up bad puns and useless information since 2009.

Peace and hairgrease,


