
The internet face space of designer, illustrator, type designer, writer, and humorist Terry Biddle.

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Screen Shot 2014-10-07 at 9.53.06 PMSooooooooooo many things going on. 2014 has been (and continues to be) a very busy year.

So busy, I haven’t had the time to write a proper blog post. So, let me just tease a few things for some upcoming blog posts/releases.


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A long in progress typeface that attending this Year’s TypeCon finally inspired me to complete. It will definitely be released in 2015. Definitely. Like, I’ll eat a shoe if it isn’t. Well, maybe not a whole shoe. Let’s just say the tongue of a very soft leather boot. Uhhhh…better yet, the tip of a suede moccasin shoe string. Just the tip, though. Okay?! See—that’s how serious I am about this. I WILL EAT THE TIP OF A SUEDE MOCCASIN SHOE FOR YOU TO EXPRESS MY LEVEL OF COMMITMENT.

What else this year? New illustration/comic work! Pixel Punch! And also Comedy Adventures x2. <—More on that later! 😉

Since I am absolutely terrible at writing regular blog posts, you should check me out on Twitter where I’ve been serving up bad puns and useless information since 2009.

Peace and hairgrease,


