
The internet face space of designer, illustrator, type designer, writer, and humorist Terry Biddle.


The Power of Stay Interviews

Book design

Got a Minute

Book design

SHRM Learning Systems Campaign

This year, we approached the marketing materials as a coordinated campaign, creating a unified look to set the offerings apart from the overall SHRM brand. The main focus being on the products and the unique characteristics that set it apart from the competition.

Annual Campaign Brochure
SHRM Foundation

Brochure given to potential donors.

Global Diversity and Inclusion Report
SHRM/Economist Intelligence Unit (The Economist)

A joint effort between SHRM and the Economist Intelligence Uni (a division of The Economist), this stand-alone piece won second place in the Washington Book Publishers’ 2010 Book Design & Effectiveness Competition.

Essentials of HR Management Brochure
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)

This piece won a 2010 Graphic Design USA award.

SHRM Education Series Catalog
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)

Course catalog.

HR Newsletters
HR Certification Institute

Newspaper templates I designed to be used periodically for various events and conferences.

CHRO Report
SHRM Research

Bi-annual research report.

FLIC Brochure

Taking cues from the provided logo I conveyed all visual information in the style of transportation signage.

FLIC Print Ads

This campaign won a silver Summit Award for Goddard Claussen.

Logo Design

Taking inspiration from old optometrist identities—I crafted this logo for Global Vision Communications. It was not chosen as the final logo.

NAHB Sunbelt Icons

The National Association of Home Builders were using an icon system that was a hodge-podge of various icon images and clip art. I created a more consistent, stylized, icon system.

Logo Design

Logo created for the Vanderbilt Community Alliance.

VCA Print Ads

Series of print ads that generated national buzz, including a feature story about some of the campaign participants on PBS’ NOW program.

Math for America Series

This series of posters and advertisements ran in college & New York City newspapers and trade publications. The latter two were part of the original proposed series, but never ran.
