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Aaaaaaand we’re back! And a day early! Woohoo! Why’s that?
Today is my birthday! As I turn 33 today, I will be spending part of the day at the DC DMV renewing my driver’s license. Nice! I think I’ll need an evening off after all that to actually enjoy that whole birthday thing.
Look for more frequent blog posts in the coming weeks with the holiday season wrapped up. Thanks for sticking with me, y’all! Have a great day!
Until next time! The Mighty Monkey-Men: always bananas!
Great comic. Just added your site to my Google Reader, so I can keep up to date on your latest comics. I hope all is well, and Happy New Year!
and the last of the street goons is disposed of — good stuff.
wanted to wish you a belated “happy birthday” from bklyn, ny!