
The internet face space of designer, illustrator, type designer, writer, and humorist Terry Biddle.

Posts tagged graphic design

If you haven’t been over to the Escape From Illustration Island website before, I strongly recommend you give it a visit. One of the most recent posts, site creator Thomas James’ Open Letter to Art Schools Everywhere is causing quite a stir.

The website has lots of resources for working illustrators and for illustrators trying to get started in the business, which in itself is worthy of a visit (or several). The weekly podcasts are an invaluable resource, I look forward to them each week.

Do swing by and read the letter, read the comments, and join the discussion. It is a worthwhile topic that creative professionals in general will find worthwhile. Graphic designers, illustrators and fine artists alike will find something they relate to.


So, I was sick one week…and last week was a holiday. Time to start the work week off with another jam. This one is from Tom Tom Club, and it’s called Genius of Love.

One of the things I love about this song is that it get’s the party started no matter where you are. It’s got a little something for everyone. My indie-rock friends and hip-hop friends alike are fans of this tune. This is one of those everybody will lose their mind if you play this kinda songs; just ask any DJ.

Additionally, the art and animation in this video appeals to many of my graphic design colleagues. My wife, Stacey actually found this vinyl album at a thrift store here in DC. We have the album cover framed and hanging above my desk as a matter of fact.

As many of you probably know, I am a fan of hand drawn typography and I enjoy seeing design work down entirely by hand. So enjoy this video & music, as it pleases on many levels.


I’m sure by now, most have heard of the new Arizona illegal immigration law, or as it is affectionately (facetiously, of course) called by many in the media the “papers please” law. I was reminded of my second published and first cover illustration, for the Reno News and Review that I did back in 2008 that covered this topic. You can read that article here.

Although this was illustrated a few years back, I thought the subject matter was very timely given the current political climate. I’ll take you through the process and throw a couple of cents at the end if you’ll indulge me.

First sketch to the art director. Looking back, this sketch was particularly Sketchy McSketcherson McGee.

Here’s what it looked like after the initial inking. You’ll notice a light ink wash in the background. Some use pens for inking, but I prefer using brushes. I ink the vast majority of my illustrations with brushes of various thicknesses.

“And-duh,” the final illustration! You’ll see here that most of the ink brush strokes are still intact. The ink wash texture however, did not make it into the final piece. I felt a flat, solid color would work the best.

This illustration was a little different for me, as I use a lot of colors in my illustrations typically. This time I used a more muted palette; and I was pleased with the final outcome. I actually won a Nevada Press Association award for it. Specifically—the title of 2nd Best Illustration…keep scrolling, I’m on here somewhere. 🙂


I know not everyone likes to mix politics with creative work, but I like a little Tabasco sauce in my tequila (no really, it’s delicious).

I’ve read a couple of columns this week that really sum up my feelings on this issue. I was going to chime in with my 2 cents (I probably have a “buck fifty” on the matter), but I’ll leave this to Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu and New York Times columnist Frank Rich.

I doubt I could say it better than them. 😉

Peace and Hairgrease,

T. Biddy
